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Битва за здоровье короля Карла III не оставляет места принцу Гарри

Битва за здоровье короля Карла III не оставляет места принцу Гарри

- King Charles III, having recently returned to his royal duties after a three-month battle with cancer, is reportedly too occupied to meet with Prince Harry. According to a spokesperson, the Duke of Sussex understands his father’s busy schedule and remains hopeful for a future reunion.

During a quick trip to London triggered by his father’s health news, Prince Harry discussed the ongoing challenges within the royal family. Since his departure from royal life in 2020 and move to California, he has frequently spoken out against what he perceives as unfair media coverage and underlying racism in royal dealings.

Prince Harry also attended an event supporting wounded veterans during his visit — a cause he deeply cares about. He shared in interviews that he hoped his father’s health crisis might help heal their strained relationship. However, the chance for reconciliation seems slim as their schedules continue to clash

This ongoing saga between father and son highlights not just personal family dynamics but also reflects broader issues of duty, media influence, and public perception within the royal family.

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